What is a Bettyism?

admin Books, The Way of the Cross

A Bettyism is a simple statement that sums up a wealth of wisdom into a few words.  Bettye constantly speaks in such a way, and her comments are so relevant to a number of different situations that I felt it beneficial to include a Bettyism for each meditation found in the Way of the Cross book and the Detours book.  I find myself quoting Bettyisms throughout the day.  One of my favorites is “We have an agenda, but God has a plan.”  Another favorite:  “I don’t need to see the way when I stay close to the One who does.”  These simple words help me to remember that God is in control, and if I have surrendered my plans, my actions, my endeavors to Him, He will manage and organize the details better than anything I could ever orchestrate on my own.  In fact, it’s quite a joy to step back and look at His plan as it unfolds…